Saturday 3 May 2014

Everybody lies

Hi Love,
Hope I done enough damage to your real or fake smiles.
One point I forget to mention is this; the smiles we deliver during photo shoot can be avoided from analysis.
Obviously those are the smiles we deliver with caution. 

Now, we have some more exciting stuff.

Today we are going to find lies without looking into face. Trust me, this is something Gillian Foster,my team member told me other day. 

Use this technique unless and until you don't want to continue a so called fake-real "relation".
Hear it from Gillian's words, "Normally, those who lie used to remember things,incidents in a sequence.
What you have to do is; break the sequence. Fabricated truths can't stand long. By breaking the sequence, I meant the reversing of narration. Your liar friend tell things in a pattern and you ask them to tell those incidents from last to first. If its really happened, he can tell that without any trouble. But if its a fabricated one, you can see deception leakage. The lair would stumble and struggle to tell that fairy tale in reverse order."

So love, that's it. Ask them to tell the story in reverse order and see if there is any deception leakage.
Enjoy the week end and Cal Lightman Group will keep in touch with you guys.

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